Jim's Vision

In less than one month PC members from across our great province will come together at our AGM.  

I'm running for PC Party President because I want to help strengthen and grow our organization and brand. 

I have three priorities:

  1. supporting our local constituency associations
  2. empowering our members/volunteers
  3. modernizing our Party operations 

Winning and the ability to keep winning starts with strong constituency associations.  We need to share of best practices, and use creative and innovative methods to address local circumstances across our 87 constituency association to do that.

It’s been my privilege to work with some tremendously committed, very talented and capable volunteers in our party organization. I believe that the best and most underutilized assets we have are our volunteers.  It is my intention to put those abilities to work, to engage and empower our membership as I believe that meaningful grassroots contribution is fundamental.

We need to be a modern organization, one using all of today’s technologies and practices.  

With our leader, Premier Redford, a caucus embracing a fresh approach, a strong membership and a well executed plan encompassing those three priorities, we move our Party forward.

This race is about leadership.  And leadership doesn’t have one geography or postal code.  Urban, rural.  North South.  We are all Albertans. We are all PCs. That is what matters. We all must work together to build a stronger Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta.

I am asking you to vote for me, Jim McCormick as PCAA President.

