Meet Jim

“It has been my privilege to have worked with many great volunteers over the years of my involvement with the PCs. I am confident in the future of the PC party, as I am proud of its past.

I am running to become the President of the PCAA because I believe the depth and breadth of my experience at the constituency level, the provincial executive level, as well as my entrepreneurial skill set, are those that will benefit the PCAA as we move into an exciting and important new era under our leader, Premier Alison Redford." -Jim McCormick

Jim's Biography

With a passion for politics, Jim has seen the ebb and flow of the PC party. Having learned a great deal from both the successes and challenges the party has faced, Jim has an experienced vision and a desire to move the party forward.

Jim has been involved continuously with the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta since 1989, highlights of his involvement include:

·       Vice President Calgary, PCAA, since February 2011

·       Co-chair, PCAA Convention, Calgary 2010

·       Regional Director, PCAA 2008 - 2011

·       President, Calgary Varsity Progressive Conservative Constituency Association 2005 – 2008

·       President, Calgary North West Progressive Conservative Constituency Association 1996-98

Jim is a petroleum landman by background and has been a senior executive as well as the founder of a number of successful ventures in the oil and gas exploration and development industry.

Born and raised in Alberta, he has worked in the oil and gas sector since graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce in 1975. Other volunteer activities include being a member of the Energy and Environment subcommittee of the Alberta Economic Development Authority and as a Senator for his alma mater, the University of Calgary.

Jim recently completed his ICD.D certification in governance from the Institute of Corporate Directors.

Jim and his wife Louise have proudly raised two daughters and he has recently become grandfather to twins. When not volunteering, he tinkers with antique vehicles.